Registration & Judging
Registrations are excepted by mail, drop off, or on the day of the event. Reservations are not accepted by phone. Send in your registration before June 10th and only pay a pre-registration fee of $10.00! All registrations after and on day of the event are $15.00. Kids Class registration is FREE! Kids are only able to participate in the car show, they are not permitted to participate in the cruise.
Registration by mail: Take note of your class list number, you will need to reference this on the registration form (class lists can be viewed below). Print and complete the form. Send by mail along with a check payable to the Bellefonte Crusie to: P.O. Box 536, Bellefonte, PA 16823.
Registration Drop Off: You can also drop off your form to Chamber of Commerce Office at the Train Station, 320 W. High Street, Bellefonte, PA between 8:00am - 4:00pm.
Day of the Event: Registrations will be held at the diamond on Saturday from 7:00am - 12:00pm. We will not except any registrations before 7:00am.
Help us continue the fine reputation of the show by following these simple guidelines:
Be sure to bring current proof of insurance and vehicle registration to the registration area. ONLY INSURED AND REGISTERED VEHICLES ARE PERMITTED IN THE SHOW.
Register early - Only pre-registered participants are eligible for door prizes. Pre-register to keep from waiting in line! Pre-registration does not guarantee you a specific place to park the day of the Bellefonte Cruise.
Be ready for judging - While every consideration is given to automobiles in original condition and to owners who are new to the hobby, we can only accept automobiles which are ready for judging. Automobiles not ready for judging may be ruled ineligible to compete and turned away at the gate. In these rare cases, pre-paid entry fees will be refunded.
Show car arrival time - In order to qualify for judging all show cars must arrive at the show grounds by 12:00pm entry area is located on High Street only. Registration begins at 7:00am. Vehicles arriving after 12:00pm may not be eligible for judging and show may be full, we urge you to be early!
Safety first - Please heed the Registrar and parking staff's instructions while moving and parking your vehicles and during the cruise. We do not wish to have a pedestrian-vehicle accident.
Think Safety!
Judging of cars, trucks and motorcycles will take place one hour after parking is completed until 4:00pm. Once you have been parked in a zone by the cruise parking staff, please do not leave that spot or the judges will miss your vehicle. Also, you will be given a parking card that has your "Zone" letter on it, take this to the registration desk. Judging is conducted by professional judges, G.S. Grifana Carshows, Inc., (757)-777-4360. G.S. Grifana Carshows, Inc., has beed judging the Bellefonte Cruise since 2007. Pre-register to keep from waiting in line. Pre-registration does not guarantee you a specific place to park the day of the event.
Car Classes: You must have your zone card visible on your windshield or dash. Points will be given for open hoods, the chassis, the interior, and the exterior of the vehicle -- trunks DO NEED to be open. Decisions of the judges will be final. The awards will be presented promptly at 5:00pm. Please do not leave the show until the awards are completed. You MUST have proof of current insurance and current vehicle registration with you to register your vehicle for the show.
Motorcycle Classes: Points will be given for paint, plating/polishing, engineering, cleanliness, detail, and style. Decisions of the judges will be final. The awards will be presented at promptly 5:00pm. Please do not leave the show until the awards are completed. You MUST proof of current insurance and current vehicle registration with you to register your vehicle for the show.
Free Kids Class: Kids classes are able to participate in the car show, but they are NOT permitted to participate in the cruise. Kids class can consist of anything that can be pushed, pulled, or ridden.

We hope to see you at the Bellefonte Cruise!